Maintain communication with your residents using Civity

Keeping your residents happy has never been easier, with Civity they will be aware of events and news.
You'll be able to make them part of important decisions by taking votes or polls on issues that affect the community; and they'll even be involved in the incident and complaint reporting process. They'll be able to follow up in real time on their request!


Civity | Your community's social network

Will your residents make use of a common area, is there an event they want to announce? Thanks to Civity you will be able to let them know about relevant community events, whether they are social events or any repairs within the condominiums.



communication between residents and manager



through the residents' App


Streamline communication with property management software

Stay on top of your community's needs and concerns, thanks to Civity's App your residents can communicate with you in real-time.

Clear communication, and happy residents.

Civity makes your decisions as simple as yes or no

If you need to change the color of the facade, choose between two days to do street repair or some other issue that is of interest to your entire community, put it to a vote! Your residents will be happy to be part of the condo's decisions.


Keep your residents involved


Democratize decisions


Create personalized votes


Take into account the opinion of your residents

With Civity you will achieve the common good between management and residents, you will have the opportunity to make wise decisions regarding your condominiums, taking into account the general opinion of your residents.

Get more involved in your community

Stay up to date on your community's events and confirm your participation.


Who does what inside your community?

Thanks to Civity's directory, your residents will be able to know who is responsible for each area within your condos.


Are you a resident?
Download the Civity App!

Free and easy to use, just ask your property manager to sign you up.

Available in:

Bienvenido a la nueva forma de vivir en comunidad