
Privacy policies

In compliance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and its regulations, we inform you:


I. Responsible: Civity represented in this act by CIVITY TECHNOLOGIES S.A. DE C.V., with e-mail and address located at Rio Amarillo 229, Residencial Fluvial Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, will be responsible for collecting the data as long as the owner of this data provides us with his personal data by any means of communication or technology.


II. The purposes of the data we collect are necessary for the existence, maintenance, and fulfillment of the legal relationship between the “owner” of the data and CIVITY, the “Responsible”, the same data are treated strictly confidential, as well as with the necessary measures to ensure their protection.

In addition, your personal data will be used for the following purposes that are necessary to provide the requested services and allow us to provide you with better attention and to provide these services efficiently:

  • To contact you for the purpose of marketing the services available through the Website

  • For the realization of test accounts.

  • To customize the services available through the Website.

  • To provide you with the services and functionalities available through the Website related to the management and communication of the condominium in which you are a resident, owner, or manager, which include:

    • a) Creating and accessing an account

    • b) Sending and receiving announcements, messages, and information to users related to the condominium.

    • c) Keeping an accounting history of the condominium.

    • d) Backing up your information

    • e) Generate reports and statistics regarding the administration of the condominium and the services provided through the Website.

  • Identify you to provide services to the user and how to process and respond to those referred to in this Privacy Notice.

  • To inform you about changes and/or updates to the Website, the Terms and Conditions, and this Privacy Notice.

  • Inform you about updates, modifications or new functionalities of the Website.

  • Evaluate the quality and functionality of the services, software, and Website.

  • Make a list of customers and keep a file on each one.

  • Offer savings methods for the condominium and its residents.

  • Non-individualized market research.

  • To comply with the obligations contracted with our clients.

  • Elaboration and issuance of CFDI (invoicing) and collection.

  • Follow up with the delivery of the requested services.

  • Respond to their requirements and needs regarding the requested services.

  • To comply with the contracted obligations, as well as the follow-up of the processes, until the delivery of the contracted service.

  • Receive information of additional products or services provided by Civity Technologies S.A. de C.V.

  • Collect outstanding debts, with respect to contracted services.

Unless you tell us otherwise, when contracting services, we will use some data to affiliate you to the databases of our affiliates or subsidiaries in order to provide the contracted services. We will also use them to send your communications with news or commercial information about Civity Technologies, S.A. de C.V. services, as well as communications to improve our products and services. Likewise, you may transfer the data to companies that maintain commercial agreements in force with the Company, as long as it is for commercial purposes, this is a secondary purpose, and you can oppose it at any time.

We recommend that, if you do not want your data to be used for purposes other than those stated in this notice, you let us know by exercising your ARCO rights to the following email:

It is in our interest to inform you that, according to article 37 of the LFPDPPP, we do not require your consent to share your data when any of the following assumptions are given:

I. When the transfer is provided for in a Law or Treaty of which Mexico is a part; II. When the transfer is necessary for the prevention or medical diagnosis, the provision of health care, medical treatment or the management of health services; III. When the transfer is made to controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of the responsible party, or to a parent company or to any company of the same group of the responsible party that operates under the same internal processes and policies; IV. When the transfer is necessary by virtue of a contract entered into or to be entered into in the interest of the data subject, by the data controller and a third party; V. When the transfer is necessary or legally required for the safeguarding of a public interest, or for the procurement or administration of justice; VI. When the transfer is necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial proceeding, and VII. When the transfer is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between the data controller and the data subject.

III. Personal data that will be subject to processing in accordance with the purposes expressed in point II:

  • Full name of the natural person or in case of being a legal entity the Company Name and its Legal Representative.

  • Date of birth or date of incorporation of the Company.

  • Address.

  • Cellular phone number.

  • E-mail address.

  • Information found in official identification (INE, Passport, Driver's License, Professional License).

  • Federal Taxpayers Registry

IV. Financial data:

  • Bank and billing data such as: account number, interbank clabe, RFC, fiscal address, business name, zip code and tax regime.

  • Financial information and means of payment such as: credit card, debit card or checking account.

V. Means and forms for data collection:

  • Directly with the client through the enrollment department.

  • Through an advisor or promoter.

  • By telephone.

  • By e-mail

  • Social media

  • When you visit and make use of our website or online services.

  • Instant messaging applications


In order to effectively safeguard your personal data, CIVITY, as a service provider, has established various security measures for the processing, safeguarding, and administration of your personal data by means of technological techniques, as appropriate to the personal data being processed.

These means of control consist of: creation of restricted databases for access only to protected virtual folders with restricted access only to CIVITY members and collaborators use of educational platforms that restrict access to content through usernames and personal passwords.

EXERCISE OF A.R.C.O. RIGHT VII. Exercising your A.R.C.O. Rights (access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition)

The Law provides every holder with a series of benefits that guarantee the power of decision and control that he/she has over his/her information, as well as the right to the protection of his/her personal data. Any holder may exercise their rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition (ARCO rights, for its acronym in Spanish) at any time. We also notify you that there are no prerequisites for the exercise of them. Likewise, you may revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data, except for the exceptions set forth in Article 10 and its sections of the Law (Article 10 of the Law explicitly sets forth the exceptions in which consent is not required for the processing of personal data, such as when it is provided for in a law, when the information is in publicly available sources, when the data is subject to a law, when the information is in publicly available sources, or when the data is subject to a legal process, when the data is subject to a legal process, or when it is subject to a legal process, or when it is not subject to a legal process), that the data are subject to a dissociation process, the obligation to comply with the obligations of a legal relationship, the existence of an emergency situation in which the holder may potentially be harmed, the need to receive medical care, prevention or diagnosis, medical treatment, management of health services while the holder is not in a position to give his consent, or a decision of a competent authority).

1. Information and documentation in the request for the execution of the use of the A.R.C.O. Rights

Description of the request: the description must be clear and precise about the personal data to which you wish to exercise your A.R.C.O. Rights, or revocation of consent. Simple copy or photos of the documents proving the identity of the holder or legal representative and signed power of attorney of the legal representative. Identification data of the holder: full name, date of birth, telephone/cell phone number, e-mail, address, or domicile.

2. Sending the request:

To e-mail, The response period will be 20 (twenty) business days from the day the ARCO rights request was received. The response will be communicated to the address or email address you have provided.

3. Aspects to take into account:

Note: the term of attention may be interrupted when the information provided in the request is insufficient or erroneous, does not comply with the documents to exercise the request for ARCO rights or revocation of consent. **The Responsible** or any member of the work team, will request the holder, only once, to provide the missing documents or requirements to meet the request within five working days following the receipt of the request; the holder has a period of 10 working days to meet the requirement from the time he/she has received the notification. If no response to the request is given, the request to exercise the rights or revoke the consent will be considered as not submitted, but if, on the contrary, the complete documentation is received, the responsible party will carry out what is indicated in paragraph

4. Resolution of the request:

This will be issued through the email provided by the holder and will be issued 30 thirty days from the attention of the request.


In the case of the tools we use as our official pages we do not use cookies, however, hosting service providers and external service providers do require cookies when accessing them.

IV. Modifications to the privacy notice:

We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this privacy notice at any time, to address internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products. These modifications will be available to the public through our website in the Privacy Notice section.

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